Christopher Glen
January 15, 2024

Arlington, VA – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) and the FERT Foundation today announced the opening of nominations for the 2024 4R Advocates. These distinguished farmers and retailers are committed to implementing advanced fertilizer best management practices that incorporate the principles of 4R Nutrient Stewardship while demonstrating remarkable economic and environmental benefits. 

“Embracing the principles of 4R Nutrient Stewardship isn’t just a commitment for the fertilizer industry; it’s a meaningful step towards helping countless American farmers enhance both their profitability and the health of the land,” said TFI President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch. “We take pride in the dedication of our industry’s retailers, who work hand-in-hand with farmers to put these practices into action in the field.”

Since 2012, the 4R Advocate program has recognized and celebrated the accomplishments of farmers and retailers collectively farming nearly 300,000 acres across a range of cropping systems in 25 states. 4R Advocates actively engage in TFI’s outreach efforts to promote responsible fertilizer management practices throughout the year. They do so by hosting farm field days, participating in conference panels, and sharing their insights and experiences with fellow farmers, thereby advancing the adoption of 4R principles within the farming community. 

“Now in its 13th year, the 4R Advocate program continues to highlight in-field successes achieved through applying 4R practices based on the principles of the right source, rate, time, and fertilizer placement,” continued Rosenbusch. “The 4R Nutrient Stewardship framework provides a comprehensive roadmap for achieving on-farm goals, including increased production and profitability, enhanced environmental protection, and improved sustainability. We believe that 4R Advocates pave the way for a more resilient and environmentally responsible future in agriculture.” 

To learn more about the 2024 4R Advocate program and submit nominations, please visit the 4R Advocate Nomination page on the TFI website, or contact TFI Director of Retail & Field Sustainability Peyton Harper




The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) is the leading voice of the nation’s fertilizer industry. Tracing its roots back to 1883, TFI’s membership includes fertilizer producers, wholesalers, retailers and trading firms. TFI’s full-time staff, based in Washington, D.C., serves its members through legislative, educational, technical, economic information and public communication programs. Find more information about TFI online at and follow us on Twitter at @Fertilizer_Inst. Learn more about TFI’s nutrient stewardship initiatives at and on Twitter at @4rnutrients.

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